Forward working position hedge mower KRP POWER

Welcome to the world of the Rolmex KRP Arm Mower, a machine with exceptional utility values that revolutionizes mowing operations. The KRP is not just a mower; it’s an innovative solution for demanding applications in agriculture, road maintenance and forestry.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Variable Arm and Head Position: The Rolmex KRP offers a unique ability to change the positioning of the arms and head relative to the mounting system, with the mowing head moving forward up to 200-350 cm from the perpendicular position.
  • Visibility for the Operator: Thanks to its hydraulic flail design, the mower is visible to the operator in the tractor cab, enhancing safety and work comfort.
  • Alternative to Inter-Axle Mowers: The Rolmex KRP is an excellent alternative to traditional boom mowers, offering greater versatility and efficiency.
  • Proportional-Electric Control and Vision System: An option for proportional-electric control and an arm-mounted camera is available, ensuring precise and easy operation.
  • Advanced Protections: The mower is equipped with an oil cooler and two hydraulic-gas shock absorbers, protecting the machine from damage and ensuring smooth operation.
  • Two Hydraulic Pump Power Systems: Available in a standard version with 57 HP and an enhanced version with 68 HP, allowing customization to various user needs.
  • Compatibility with Working Heads: The KRP mower can work with various Rolmex working heads, including for bush and branch cutting, such as KD 120, TGR 155, TR 165, and others.




Reach of the Arm from the Tractor Axis [m] 5.05 *
Oil Tank [l] 220
Telescopic Extension [m]
Power on Hydraulic Pump [HP] 57/68
Tractor Power Requirement [HP] 100
Minimum Tractor Weight [Kg] 4000
Machine Weight with Standard Head [Kg] 1250
Forward Arm Extension [m] 2.85

*-distance measured from the tractor axis to the edge of the hydraulic head in central mounting

NOTE! Due to the continuous development of the offered models, the manufacturer reserves the right to make technical changes in accordance with applicable regulations.




Zasięg ramienia od osi ciągnika [m] 6,25 *
Zbiornik oleju [l] 220
Wysuw teleskopowy [m]
Moc na pompie hydraulicznej [KM] 57/68
Zapotrzebowanie mocy traktora [KM] 110
Minimalna waga ciągnika [Kg] 4600
Waga maszyny wraz z głowicą standardową [Kg] 1300
Wysunięcie ramienia ku przodowi [m] 3,3

*-dystans mierzony od osi ciągnika do krawędzi głowicy hydraulicznej w zamocowaniu centralnym

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